TEST 3 - Deployment TEST
Having completed TEST 2 please proceed to TEST 3 found below:
Test 2 revealed some interesting …. However the most near and present item of value is YOU.
Hence we are giving you the opportunity to offer your skills and talent as a service and be remunerated for same.ges
First, you need to identify the product. As mentioned previously you are the product thus your objective is to get as many persons as possible to see your you play as a part of your team in the forthcoming league matches. See link below for dates of forthcoming league matches.
Your team shall be selling tickets to attend the forth coming matches. Remuneration for each ticket shall be in the way of pledges ranging from the below listed which are on the tickets for invited persons to tick. These tickets shall be printed in the volume requested
Second, you need a team. Your team will consist of persons to fill the following important positions:
Human Resources
Your objective is to get as many persons as possible to procure tickets and inevitably grant pledges.
The more pledges you gain the more points you accumulate for yourself.
In the form below please describe:
name of item/service of value prior to processing, ie item/service in its raw state
name who may find the resulting item/service of value (professionals, trade persons, children etc….)
name process of converting item/service from raw state to something of value
name value derived from item/service
Please note item or service must be sourced in its raw form from your immediate environment.
Please enter you week long plan below before the ….